mpenergi AS / Morten Pedersen has 30 years of experience and practice in seamanship and Master of the Ship (Captain) 500 Gross tonnage by the Norwegian Maritime Authority,ECDIS, ARPA, STCW, VHF/SRC certificate, ROV/GPS/Sonar and radar knowledge and mapping of positions. Authorized by Ministry of Energy in Norway for world wide underwater operations.

mpenergi AS was also one of the underwater specialists brought in to search for the murder weapon of Prime Minister Olof Palme in Sweden, the search took place over 14 days in 1997

mpenergi AS led the search on Utøya in 2011 for the Norwegian Goverment, from Saturday 23 July at 14:00 to Thursday 28 July, when the search was completed. Pedersen can be seen in the yellow jacket as the Project Manager on board a float rig about 56 seconds into this film:

En nettside fra Fjellvann